linux template

Link to template Change standart interval and add preprocessing Discard unchanged to all items for resources saving.

discovery rules

First what we can do, change discovery interval for all discovery rules. For example from 1h to 12h or 24h, because its not critical latency.

Mounted filesystem discovery

In this rule we have 5 item prototypes. Lets change interval from 1m to 5m. Used disk space on {#FSNAME},Free disk space on {#FSNAME} and Free disk space on {#FSNAME} (percentage) is a duplication, so i can disable/not discover first and second. Free disk space on {#FSNAME} (percentage) more usefull, because that has trigger. Total disk space on {#FSNAME} usually that not dynamic info, bad idea to collect this with interval. So disable this item. Main idea, if item not have trigger - useless for monitoring. Best practice use zabbix inventory, zabbix api and other iventory system to store some static info like Total disk space on {#FSNAME}.

Network interface discovery

Disable this discovery, there no triggers. Also we can change interval from 1m to 5m and set trend storage period to 0.



Do not forgot change interval from 1m to what u need (5m nice for me). There 10 items like CPU /.*/ time and only one trigger for CPU iowait time. So u know what it mean - disable usless, either set trend storage period to 0. I can disable Processor load (15 min average per core), because Processor load (1 min average per core),Processor load (1 min average per core) enough for me. I do not use static items Version of Zabbix agent running,Host name of Zabbix agent running.


System uptime is popular item, but we can add trigger {Template OS Linux:system.boottime.diff()}=1 and {Template OS Linux:system.boottime.nodata(15m)}=0 to Host boot time. Discard unchanged useless with System uptime, but will nice work with Host boot time. Host name,System information,Maximum number of processes, Maximum number of opened files, Host local time useless for me.


Free swap space in %, Available memory have triggers. Free swap space, Total memory, Total swap space usless.


I changed invterval and added discard unchanged. Now i need to add nodata in /etc/passwd has been changed on {HOST.NAME}: {Template OS Linux:vfs.file.cksum[/etc/passwd].diff(0)}>0 and {Template OS Linux:vfs.file.cksum[/etc/passwd].nodata(15m)}=0

Standart interval too low for me in Disk I/O is overloaded on {HOST.NAME}, i changed 5m to 10m: {Template OS Linux:system.cpu.util[,iowait].min(10m)}>20

Standart value in Too many processes on {HOST.NAME} too low, so i changed this to 1300^ {Template OS Linux:proc.num[].avg(5m)}>1300

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